6 Tips to Deal with a Toxic Employee!

6 Tips to Deal with a Toxic Employee! Toxic employees suck energy out of a workplace. They are often arrogant who delight in pitting other employees against each other. They are disruptive in meetings, miss deadlines and blame others. If you don’t handle toxic employees with diplomacy and some strategy, before you know it your…

What The Hell Is Procedural Fairness?

What The Hell Is Procedural Fairness? How To Prevent Ending Up In Court Defending Personal Grievances That Could Be Avoided. If you have to go through any disciplinary process with staff, woe betide if you get the procedure wrong. If you don’t give your employee adequate notice of the disciplinary meeting, fail to carry out…

Common Questions About Wills

Common Questions About Wills WHAT IS A WILL?  Your will contains your instructions about what you want done with your property when you die and how you want your dependants (spouse, civil union partner, de facto partner, children, etc) to be looked after. As far as you and your family are concerned, it could be…

Legal Terms in Plain English

Legal Terms in Plain English A Jury is a group of people who decide on whether a person is guilty or not of a crime in they have been charged with.  After you have been selected as a juror you  must  either swear an oath to God or affirm to promise to do your best to…