WorkSafe NZ describes bullying as “being repeated and unreasonable behaviour directed towards a worker or group of workers that can lead to physical or psychological harm”. Many employees suffer silently when being bullied by a co-worker or manager, as they often don’t realise they are being bullied. Action is usually only taken once the employee has suffered significant psychological harm and finds their workplace an unsafe and uncomfortable space. Resolve Legal can support you in raising concerns when you have been bullied and solve the issue as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Bullying In The Workplace
Experiencing workplace bullying?
Helping employees deal with workplace bullying
Workplace bullying is difficult to control and has significant negative effects on employee well-being, health and productivity. Some examples of workplace bullying include victimising, humiliating, intimidating, threatening, discrimination and violence, which can take on many different forms and can be hard to notice as a manager. We are here to help and support you if you are suffering from bullying at your workplace and liaise with your employer to get it sorted in the best way possible.
Our team will be your trusting partner and help you identify the exact employment issue you are experiencing. We will advise you on the steps you can take to find a solution and let you know about the cost that comes with raising a personal grievance claim. The Resolve Legal team will be with you every step of the way and help you get through this challenging time by taking the right action.